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Caring for the carers

Caring for the carers

Caring for individuals with disabilities is a fulfilling and often challenging responsibility. The tireless dedication of family members and carers ensures that their loved ones receive the support they need to thrive. It can be demanding, both physically and emotionally and carers often find themselves in need of a break to recharge and attend to their own needs. It is important to recognise that carers themselves require support to maintain their own well-being and so they can continue providing quality care for those around them. 

Disability support programs provide a vital solution by offering temporary care through the assistance of another caregiver, such as a disability support worker. Whether it’s for a few hours or a longer period, this allows carers to take time for themselves while ensuring their loved ones are well looked after. 

The Y Inclusion Services understands the importance of supporting not only participants but also their carers and families and offers a range of flexible and enjoyable disability support programs. These programs provide opportunities for participants to enjoy social interaction, skill development, and recreational activities either for a few hours, the whole day or even for a couple of days on one of our many camps. We get to know each participant individually to ensure they feel comfortable and safe with our support workers, so they enjoy their time with us, making new friends and often trying something new. 

Y Inclusion Services Programs


Accessing Y Inclusion Services

If you’re a carer or know someone who could benefit from our disability support programs, start exploring our website to view our programs, events calendar and application forms to take the first step toward accessing valuable support.

You can also get in contact with us via email: or phone: 9407 6200.

Remember, caring for yourself is just as important as caring for others. Take the time to prioritise your well-being and seek support when needed. With the Y Inclusion Services by your side, you don’t have to navigate the journey alone.