You likely know that reading with young children is very helpful for their language and literacy development; this is also true for children with autism. When adults read to their child with autism in an interactive way (sometimes known...
The Early Years Learning Framework outlines that “Children’s learning is ongoing and each child will progress towards the outcomes in different and equally meaningful ways. Learning is not always predictable and linear.” All children reach their developmental milestones at...
Early intervention refers to a range of services and support provided to young children who have a developmental delay or disability. These services are designed to address the child’s specific needs and help them achieve their full potential. Early...
Inclusion Services by the Y is proud to introduce our newFamily Connectionsservice. Our Connections Coordinator will be a point of contact working closely with our Children’s Servicesto support families where there are concerns around a child’s development or the...
Parental As Anything is an ABC podcast about all things parenting, touching on mental health, disability, sex and consent, tantrums and loads more! The podcast is presented by Maggie Dent, one of Australia’s most reputable authors and educators. Dent...
Parental As Anything is an ABC podcast about all things parenting, touching on mental health, disability, sex and consent, tantrums and loads more! The podcast is presented by Maggie Dent, one of Australia’s most reputable authors and educators. Dent...